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The Lasted Usage Report

No IP Function File Size Process Speed location Time
1 223.73.221.*** CAJ to PDF 9664.9kb 117s China-Guangdong-Guangzhou 09/02/2025 01:45:41
2 120.245.98.*** CAJ to PDF 1337.86kb 8s China-Beijing 08/02/2025 23:38:30
3 211.23.12.*** CAJ to PDF 173.07kb 57s Taiwan-TPE-Taipei 08/02/2025 22:42:20
4 112.21.224.*** CAJ to Word 1829.83kb 44s China-Jiangsu-Yancheng 08/02/2025 21:49:27
5 218.86.179.*** CAJ to PDF 48.14kb 49s China-Guizhou-Guiyang 08/02/2025 21:34:26
6 223.167.211.*** CAJ to PDF 15.32kb 36s China-Shanghai 08/02/2025 20:30:58
7 112.247.248.*** CAJ to Word 812.54kb 40s China-Shandong-Weihai 08/02/2025 19:21:43
8 112.247.248.*** CAJ to Word 540.07kb 38s China-Shandong-Weihai 08/02/2025 19:21:41
9 116.112.63.*** PDF to Excel 536.77kb 15s China-Inner Mongolia-Baotou 08/02/2025 17:29:52
10 116.112.63.*** Word to PDF 268.44kb 6s China-Inner Mongolia-Baotou 08/02/2025 17:27:51
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